Deck Profiles will be shown on the plans. Many of the temporary frames will be back in place, required of course to support the side decks and the lower cabin sides.
Lengthen these frames where necessary. Some will need to extend the full width of the boat others only a short distance, depending on the position of the cabin top. My design included an optional forward deck cutout, which I decided to NOT include, until that is, until I saw the deck in place, it really does enhance the appearance, somewhere to hang you feet as well when you are soaking up the view. About all that needs to be said about the temporary deck framing is "Make it strong enough to support the weight of deck and workers". Now this is easy as its a simple matter of fastening uprights to the cross members and glassing them temporarly to the bridgedeck or somepart of the hull.
As will be obvious decks are pretty flat things, for some reason I had it in my head that I would have trouble bending flat sheets around the curve so purchased sheets of Nidaplast from Boat Craft Pacific with only one side sheathed with Gaboon ply. This was a mistake, and costly in terms of weight and money. If you are going to use a compisite material for the decks, then one sheathed both sides is what needed. I ended up sheathing the deck with 2 layers of glass to attain the required strength. Applying the first layer of glass was also very difficult as the deck has very little strength by itself.
Another mistake I made at this point was constructing the decks - both the hull fore decks and main deck and permanently glassing them into position with the belief that it would not be too difficult glassing the inside later on - wrong. Glass the external surface, but do not fasten it to the cabin sides or hull edge. Make it so the decks can be removed. Do this, remove the flat deck panels, support them on the floor, if necessary and glass them on the inside. Its the way to go. I spent many a hour trying to get wet glass stick above my head, its not easy I can tell you, don't do it. If you think you can try laying on your side balancing a piece or resin soaked glass above your head for 30 mins, found no easy way to do it other than letting the first coat of resin go off a little, not ideal at all. A friend of mine removed the decks glassed and finished the inside refitted them in around half the time it took me to build the decks in position.