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Leaving Darwin for Bali

2014 World ARC
Darwin to St Lucia

Leaving Darwin to Bali (leg 9) 990nm away

We are off, and there was just enough wind to sail over the start line and up the harbour for a few miles, after which we resorted to engine, most monos sailed up the harbour in a sort of tacking duel, but cats are not famous for that so on with the engine.
The first few days there was pretty much zero wind and all the fleet are motoring, on Wednedsay around midday we stopped for a mid ocean swimming party with the crew from American Spirit II. Nothing much to report after that other than motoring and more motoring. We did a bit of motorsailing on Thursday and Friday with the wind finally coming out to play later Friday and we have been sailing on and off since then.
Its still very hot though the day but the breeze is holding things at bay.
Our starboard engine is giving the same old problem of been hard to starting after sailing, I do not think its air, the earlier diagnoses of it been caused by the genset feeding fuel back down the return line is incorrect - its got me foxed, maybe an injection pump problem ?
Yesterday we discovered a stowaway on board and all pleaded with the skipper not to banish him to the bilge and as a result has taken up residence in the main cabin.


Crew - oh and hug

Paul Hard at it

Nice Mackerel half way to Bali, Paul needs to wash those shorts I reckon

Friday was a day of fixing stuff, got through a lot of good stuff.
Watt&Sea brackets have been repaired, think they might even hold up. I have mounted some brackets on the side of each hull around 500mm above the water line, the plan is to use them to hold our pole(s) out which is suppose to make dead downwind sailing a breeze. Bought a bunch of bottled water so the tanks are now about 3/4 full. Need a trip up the mast tomorrow to check the tri-colour light which stopped working the last day of the passage, although its working now ??

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