Blank Space
Queensland - Whitehead beach
Click image to enlarge.
Initial Design Render 1
Hull 2 showing the fine entry - just after glassing
Initial Design Render 2
Hull2 - long and thin.
Hull Design

What Makes a Boat go Fast

Now one would think that this was easy, and when I looked around seems like it was, or partly so, why not I thought just copy or get close to a copy of a boat that goes fast - Now Playstation goes fast there is no doubt about that. Sure she is an out and out racing machine. So maybe just move towards what should be fast. Early on I soon found out that skinny hulls generally go fast - Its to do with the beam to length ratio. Now Sirocco has waterline beam to length ratio is around 15.2 :1, which is pretty skinny. Long hulls make it easier to get a good beam to length ratio of course.

As well as the Beam to Length Ratio I have gone for a very fine entry, its just got to be easier to push a thin knife through butter than a thick one - hey wait a minute we are not sailing in butter - so make that knife through water. Achieving sufficent bouyancy forward can be a problem with fine entry bows but we have the water length on our side so forward bouyancy is taken care of a bit further back and we will not be loading up the pointy end with anything.

Wetted area is what causes the drag - the more of boat you have under the water the more of it there is to cause friction with the sea. So how does one keep the wetted area down - simple, well sort of simple, you keep the weight down, time will tell on launch day how successful this has been.

Other Considerations

Bow shape. I think of late bow sections have been getting more of a "V" shape. The more rounded one goes it makes the boat easier to tack, but results in 2 other unfavourable charatacteristics (if taken too far). Keeping the boat tracking in a straight line is more difficult, and slamming upwind is more pronouced. Both bad things. Yeah I know we are not supposed to be going upwind - but it happens by accident sometimes. So once again a matter of compromise, one I left to the designer.

Centre Boards this time too. Walk though Transoms - if this is part of the hull design, suppose so. Motors at the aft end in their own compartments, not the best place for all that weight and I changed my mind about this a few times, but best place for keeping all that noisy stuff away from sleeping guests. We just have to have a bit more fullness aft I guess

Blank Space
     Photo Gallery - External Construction - Internal Construction - Engineering Construction- Launch - Sailing - Specifications
Blank Space
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