Blank Space
Queensland - Whitehead beach
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Having fun working it oout
Bits everywhere .
Cockpit Bulkhead
One very large bit of wood
Mast stuff
Completed Mast Bulkhead Upper Web
Bulkheads / BridgeDeck and Deck Construction


All the bulkheads came routed to shape by ATL - a big sort of kit, boy did we have fun sorting out which piece had to be joined to which piece. I was sure (more than once) that ATL had supplied a sheet or 2 incorrectly, but in the end all worked out well. We joined the panels together with a 2 pack epoxy glue - "Z" joins on the short edge of every panel, and then cut out the bulkheads as necessary. Both hulls were now the right way up with a very big gap between them. We added the forward bulkheads and a couple of rear ones and as we did we removed any temporary chipboard / mdf bulkheads that we left in place to hold the hulls in the correct shape.

The plan was this: and it worked quite well - join up the cockpit bulkhead - one massive bit of timber - brace it up and lift it into place - that would fix the width of the boat at the cockpit area - we made sure the boat was square and each centreline in exactly the right place before we glassed the sucker into place. Join up the mast bulkhead - build the top web upside down on the bench and extended bench - turn it over and glass it into place - then build the bottom web - right way up of course. We had to work quickly on the top web as there was 34 layers of 900gm uniglass to be applied - it got a bit warm but not too much I think


Now the bulkheads are all in place - Time to build the bridgedeck - more big bits joined together - ATL specified 3 huge stringers with a heap of uniglass top and bottom - we made ours hollow so the hydraulic steering pipework could run through these. The bridgedeck was built on the shed floor and they dragged out and turned over using a handy tree, back into the shed and a series of jacks and timbers etc got it into place - saw away at the chamfer panel and glass it into place, I have tried to finish the surface so we have minimal overhead sanding.


Right now its starting to take shape. We built the forward decks in place - glassed the external surface, lifted them down - glassed the inside and filled and primed the surface - top coated it too I think - any work that was going to be done in the forward locker was now completed - strong points for the foreward beam and for the prodder pole bracing etc - far easier now than when the lid is on. Inside of the locker was then plastered - primed and topcoated with gloss white. The remainder of the decks were just built using 25mm DuFlex over temporary formers - glassed externally with 440gm Biax, internally the joins were taped and we put up a false ceiling everywhere to reduce finishing overhead work.

Blank Space
     Photo Gallery - External Construction - Internal Construction - Engineering Construction- Launch - Sailing - Specifications
Blank Space
     Rally Photo Gallery - Darwin to Ambon - 2014 World ARC - 2015 ARC Europe - Mediterranean - 2015 ARC - 2016 World ARC